It was one fine Friday morning and I was not in the mood to face another ridicule matter at the office. So decided to make a short hike at Bukit RM2 ,located in Rawang. Out of the blue , I suddenly changed plans, due the experience having car been smashed, went to Ipoh instead.
It was a relaxing drive, taking old route instead of highway towards Ipoh, passed by Kerling, Tg Malim, Slim, Bidor, Tronoh and a quick stop at the border between Kampar & Gopeng for a quick bite of durian. Soft, juicy & sweet durian kampung is the season and I walloped 3 pieces of it for an excellent price of RM20 😄.
Durian kampung, sweet juicy and soft |
In less than an hour I reached Ipoh. Contemplating my fate for I barely have few hours before maghrib , I came across while googling, about this one reclusive and yet beautiful hidden lake within cradle of Gunung Rapat ; Tasik Cermin.
Not many info I could get about this lake except it is located within a quarry. True to the few bloggers who had been there, the lake is a hidden gem untouched by the destruction of human activity and to me, very well cared of even with quarry activities nearby.
Starting point |
Short trail towards quarry |
Quarry area |
A man-made tunnel is the only path towards the lake and if you are a scaredy cat such as I, it is recommended to bring a friend or two. For it took me several times to squash any thoughts of ghosts as I ran as fast as I could through that pitch dark, anytime-can-collapsed tunnel
Man made tunnel |
Barely 50m in length but I was having hard time to go through. |
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